I have also come across the work of Wilcock and have found out today that David Icke is calling b.s to some of what's going on. Or at least Wilcock may not know about what's going on...
"I am not suggesting that either of them, or even the anonymous Drake, know that what they are promoting is all a scam, but a scam it is from where I am looking. They may know, but I am not saying that they do because I have no idea. My feeling, however, is that, amazingly, at least Wilcock and Fulford don’t know. If ‘Drake’ doesn’t know that what he and the other two say is nonsensical then he is not in control of his own mind so ridiculous are his statements – and theirs ..."
Source: http://www.davidicke.com/headlines June 22 2012
the disinfo and defamation going on can make your headspin but either way, we know what we still need and can do regardless. I'm not sure where sevan stands on Icke and Wilcock at this point in time..
That being said, i'm not even sure about Icke. see blog here:
As you can see, compelling points...I'm not sure myself, In fact, I really just want to know. Perhaps someone else has another piece to the puzzle..
I agree that regardless of the manipulations of the circus act, it wont change what we know we need to do. That focus is clear.
That being said, since the founder of the resistance supports Icke, it would be helpful to put these suspicions to rest. With so much disinfo, difficulty in moving forward at all can be experienced. Especially due to the pressure of time in which you emphasize; who wants to get caught up in a process that actually takes one away from the real one of activating?
Don't want to be a doubting thomas, or cause an issue, but it does feel like there is value in communicating real concerns when it comes to making a more informed choice when it comes to this process.
Here's what can be read at the link mentioned in the last comment incase it isn't viewable in the future:
David Icke literally Exposes himself in every way.
In this ongoing article we will examine Mr David Icke to pieces using his own words and other evidence against him confirming that he is of the Pagan faith and a high ranking illuminati Witch and Masonic Worshipful Master
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Icke: “One great example of the way this works I came across which the beings, which we call the guys, told us about”
Note: David Ickes Book cover is titled: “I am me, I am free”
The name “I AM” is the name God calls Himself in the Holy Bible. Mr David Icke’s book cover name therefore implies that David Icke is god and that he also free of God.
“I am me” infering “I am god”
“I am free” infering David Icke is “Free of God”
2. “I AM” is the name of God Almighty
(as in “I AM God & I Am Free of God)
3. Sun rays from David Icke’s head (Just Like Halios/Apollyon)
4. Both David Icke’s hands make exactly the same signals as Zeus
(Zeus is the Devil himself)
5. Left & right: 3 swirls look like 666
(666 The cryptic name of Halios in Roman numerals DCLXVI)
6. Two Greco/Roman style figures stand behind David Icke
7. Right an Indian spirit “guide” A Demon
(Demons are the souls of dead Nephilim – Book of Enoch Chapter 15:8)
8. Left a figure of Osiris, also depicted as a spirit
(Osiris was a Nephilim therefore his spirit is a Demon)
9. CENSORED is an anagram of “Encoders” and also “Second Re”
“RE” & “RA” mean EVIL. Both are also names of the sun god Halios
Second RE means: 2nd ” Sun god”
10. The flames behind David Icke seem to form wings of fire
(“Angel” wings)
11. A serpent on the Earth
(Mr Icke and the one on the ground between his legs)
12. Icke featured as a Giant standing both on the Earth and in the sea
This is clearly a depiction from The Holy Bible
David Icke The Pagan Green Man
David Icke portrays himself as GREEN on his website
Witches, Giants and “Aliens” are portrayed as Green
The GREEN Earth on Icke’s website shows Green Giants and Green smaller People
The portrail of the Earth also appears as a cryptic GREEN SUN using the Green people and Giants as Sun (Halios) rays
The Green Witch, Green Giant & Green Man
GREEN MAN symbolism is from WICCA (Pagan cult also known as “The Witchcraft”) here on this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man
The person with the elongated head next to David Icke on his book cover is OSIRIS. Osiris is depicted on ancient wall paintings as a Green skinned giant (more about Osiris further on in the article)
David Icke’s GREEN “MAN”
Osiris (a Nephilim Giant) was often depicted as GREEN
The Nephilim are the “gods” of the Pagans (Pagans practice Witchcraft)
Osiris is on David Icke’s “I AM ME – I AM FREE” book cover
GREEN MAN from the Pagans Imbolc festival
Pagans by their own self admission practice Witchcraft and worship HALIOS (Apollyon the Destroyer)
Halios (Apollyon) is adored by the Pagans who by their own self admission hold orgies in his honour
Pagan mural of Aleister Crowley with a GREEN face and a SUN burning behind his head
The Green SUN Policeman
Even the British police force have a Pagan Association and just like David Icke and Aleister crowley’s followers they use the Green Man also and have openly vowed to take over the British Police force from within, using Wicca Magick
“The Matrix”: One of David Icke’s favourite catch phrases – from a movie of course
The Matrix movie is about a character called NEO
NEO is a reversal of the word EON – EON is Greek, it means SUN/Halios
The marketing theme for the movie is GREEN (Witches favourite colour)
The movie was made by Pagans in honour of Apollyon
Photos at Left to Right -Top to bottom
1. Green theme with NEO at the top
NEO is Greek it means NEW
Reversed it reads EON which is Greek for SUN
Meaning: “NEW SUN” or “RISING SUN” (The return of Apollyon)
2. Green theme: NEO seen running with a HALO around his head
HALO is a name of HALIOS
3. NEO makes the XAO (HAO) hand sign
This was used by American Indians and is used by Masons to this day
HAO means “Do as thou will”
XAO is also cryptic for “AO IO” (AO EO)
4. NEO fights a man in black (and white)
Their arm cross to form an “X”
X is Roman numeral for IO
IO is letters as well as numbers and can be read as a word: IO
IO in Greek is Pronounced “EO” which is Greek and means SUN/Halios
5. NEO makes towo Masonic hand signs
6. NEO makes another Masonic hand sign
7. Neo makes another Masonic hand sign
8. Red or Blue pill – Both color’s are primary in Masonry
David Icke admits using Voo Doo Witchcraft
David Icke admitted on his website www.davidicke.com that he consulting a Witch Doctor (Mr Credo Matwa) to perform a “Prophetic chicken bone throwing ritual”
Mr David Icke further admitted in the same article on his website that chicken bone throwing is the same as (Magical) Pagan Rune Stones
Witch Doctor Credo Matwa has an Eagle on his walking staff
The Eagle is a symbol of Zeus
David Icke himself has said that Credo Matwa has been a Secret Society member
If this is so then Credo Matwa is STILL a Secret Society member
Secret Societies are as described by the Pagan band “The Eagles” in their song Hotel California “You can NEVER leave!”
What Credo the Witch Matwa wears around his neck
To the right – He has a SUN/Halios
To the left he has a skull
Beneath he has a man in a crucifixion (or Zeus) Pose, upside down like an inverted cross
Beneath to the right he has the Egyptian Ankh
Finally, behind the upside down man he has the following
1. A Pagan Cross (Roman numeral IOOO – Greek for IOOO is HELIUS)
2. The Pagan Cross has TWO smaller crosses attached to it.
An “X” or “+” is a Roman numeral for IO
IO pronounced “EO” – EO is Greek for SUN/Halios
Credo’s Pagan Cross Decodes as EO EO HELIUS
Credo Matwa is a Pagan – Just like David Icke
And yes, according to occultists Lucifer means knowledge. In Latin, the word “Lucifer” means “light bearer”. In occult symbolism, light and fire esoterically represent divine knowledge and enlightenment. A hand holding a lit torch therefore represents man’s ascent to divinity through the teachings of the Mysteries. The Gnostic or occult interpretation of the story of the Genesis considers the snake (Lucifer) as a positive figure. It has given humans the intellectual faculties to reason and to ascend to divinity by their own means. The God of the Bible(Jehovah/Yahweh) did not want Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge because according to the occultists, he knew eventually through knowledge man would be able to ascend to a higher power than him.
Bill Cooper, a former radio host labeled “the most dangerous talk show host in America” by Bill Clinton put the Luciferian philosophy simply in his work Majesty12:
I just have a couple questions for these occultists and luciferians.. FIrst of all, if Jehovah isn’t the Creator of man and Lucifer is, then why would Lucifer let Jehovah imprison us in the Garden of Eden? Why wouldn’t he just give us the knowledge to become like God when he created us? Or better yet, just made us Gods in the first place. Also, in Genesis 11 when we almost had achieved Godhood, Jehovah scattered the languages of everybody on earth. What kind of Creator God(Lucifer) would allow this to happen, and why? Is Lucifer really in power here, or is Jehovah? Also, one more thing, look at Freemasonry. They are hooked in with Theosophy and the New Age, and the people that literally run the planet you can prove are engineering all of this, and many of them are Theosophists and new agers. Look at the world around you, it’s focused around death and destruction, and we know they control the media, finance, politics, wars, and Jesus told us that the whole world is controlled by the wicked one. I am sick of hearing Christians say there is no conspiracy. Psalm 2 says otherwise:
“The Seven Beings in the Sun are the Seven Holy Ones, Self-born from the inherent power in the matrix of Mother substance. It is they who send the Seven Principal Forces, called rays, which at the beginning of Pralaya will centre into seven new Suns for the next Manvantara. The energy from which they spring into conscious existence in every Sun, is what some people call Vishnu (see foot-note below), which is the Breath of theABSOLUTENESS.
Notice Washington doing the “As above, so below” just like the Baphomet
Notice they are reconstructing the tower of babel, to the right is the European parliament building, built just like the tower of babel.
Here is what Icke has to say about the seven rays and ascended masters:
Helena Blavatsky, 33rd degree Scottish Rite and Luciferian
Helena Blavatsky, the founder of The Theosophical Society, and founder of Lucifer magazine, summarized what the vast majority of the elite’s believe about Lucifer and God(Jehovah/Adonay/Yahweh). Just so you know that this theosophical society isn’t just some sect cult that claims to push a new world order but doesn’t have much influences on the Freemasons and royalty families of this world, here is a list of minds Blavatsky has influenced.
H.P.Blavatsky Centuries ahead of her time. A major influence on many of history’s greatest minds. Including William Butler Yeats, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Sir William Crookes, T.S. Elliot,William James, Camille Flammarion, James Ralston Skinner, A.E. Russell, Abner Doubleday, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Paul Gauguin, and Alexander Scriabin. A strong inspiration on modern day thinkers, too, such as Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Brian Weiss, Jean Houston, Ken Wilbur, Huston Smith, Joseph Campbell, Amit Goswami, Theodore Roszak, Rupert Sheldrake, Elvis Presley and Nicholas Roerich, just to name a few.
It is also well known that Elvis would read segments of her book “The Secret Doctrine” on stage aloud to the audience.
It is also said that Hitler had “The Secret Doctrine” at his bedside every night and read it before he went to bed. This is well known that Hitler was into the occult and pushing for a New Age in which the Aryan race would rule and be the only surviving race on the planet.
It is said by some that “The Secret Doctrine” has had just about as much influence on men as perhaps the Bible, and is certainly one of the most popular occult books out there. It draws parallels between all religions and takes a gnostic, pagan view of the world. Because of the her eloquent teachings and similarities she has drew with religions and her compelling dot connecting she has done with these religions, many have embraced her ideas on who the true Creator God really is, and what our purpose in this life is. Also, it’s important to note she too, was channelling beings from another dimension. According to Blavatsky, the work was channeled from the (otherworld) spiritual masters who were her guides. She would later claim that these same guides had orchestrated all of the significant actions that led to and developed her work with the Theosophical Society.
Blavatsky’s most popular extremely influential book
One of the most hidden secrets involves the so-called fall of Angels. Satan and his rebellious host will thus prove to have become the direct Saviours and Creators of divine man. Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious spirit of the church, grows into the grandiose image. It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God. Satan (or Lucifer) represents the Centrifugal Energy of the Universe this ever-living symbol of self-sacrifice for the intellectual independence of humanity.”
“Lucifer represents..Life..Thought..Progress..Civilization.. Liberty..Independence..Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior.”
NOTICE she says THE LOGOS… this PROVES that the SOLAR LOGOS who ICKE claims will bring about the paradigm shift is the same as LUCIFER!!
“The devil is now called Darkness by the Church, whereas, in the Bible he is called the “Son of God”, the bright star of the early morning, Lucifer. There is a whole philosophy of dogmatic craft in the reason why the first Archangel, who sprang from the depths of Chaos, was called Lux (Lucifer), the “Luminous Son of the Morning,” or man- vantaric Dawn. He was transformed by the Church into Lucifer or Satan, because he is higher and older than Jehovah, and had to be sacrificed to the new dogma.” From The Secret Doctrine
She also believed in an “inner power” within us to manipulate and change our reality to conform to our will.
“A God” is not the universal deity, but only a spark from the one ocean of Divine Fire. Our God within us, or “our Father in Secret” is what we call the Higher Self, Atma.” From The Keys to Theosophy
“This film from Chris White takes a very close look at David Icke’s history and beliefs. It revealsthe true sources of David Icke’s theories which are often shocking, and should be very concerning for a genuine seeker of truth. This is a well rounded expose which is done respectfully, while still attempting to get the average truther to reevaluate what they really know about the “endgame” of the Illuminati…”
“Interestingly, David Icke’s story starts with a woman named Alice Bailey. Bailey’s influential occult organization is tied to a international conspiracy of elitists like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderbergs, and the Trilateral Commission.”
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