Tis true We are all remnants of various star systems, an experiment that grew its own mind, its own soul and now that We have the truth we shall go into the future together. I'm posting Appendix B to The Code of the Matrix, in it you will find a complete timeline of our solar system and its events so you may know who you are and thus where to go and what to do. There are many with Us from all nationalities all races all creeds and various life forms, do unto the "Others" as you would do unto yourself and only then will you find wholeness. All negative forms are the phantoms of the dismembered mind, fear concentrate, but dissolvable through love. I'll meet you in the sky. 7

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beautiful! much love brother..
Appendix B
Forgive my ignorance I read appendix b and I'm still digesting the wealth of information here, but I am still a little foggy as to where we as people of darker complection fit in our are we included along with the many races that came together to create us? Are the many races mixed individually as well as in groups meaning just because you share the same skin tone doesnt mean you were tampered with by the same beings. Bare with me I'm trying to innerstand.
It is easier to consider this. When you finally get to the Most High, which would be like continuously tracing everything to the top of the Creation Pyramid we would eventually get to a Primary Being that generated all living things. So whatever the racial disposition, especially if they are humanoid, eventually we would all lead to the same Creator. So the color lines are part of the division. The color of the Aura is the key.
I innerstand, The race thing never made since to me and I agree it only divides. After you discover you have been mislead all of your life it comes to a point where you want to hear your story and know your past and if that is one that brings all to the most high I can live with that. Trying to find your identity in a sea of misguided information leads you to look for self, your story and to tell you the truth sevan I have learned more about myself from this website and from Dr. Blair than any university or religious program I attended. It took me losing everything I had to see and I am grateful for the experience. I was curious as to why all of the new things I would read and discover seem to tell his-story his origins and began to feel something was missing. I began to wonder why this story excluded so many others and why I couldn't see myself in it. I began a journey to search for my truth which has lead me here in which the journey continues. I thank you and many others who have been that beacon of light for all to awaken to, in hopes of putting this experience we call life together. THANK YOU! brother Sevan

No doubt. We are here for you.

"It took me losing everything I had to see and I am grateful for the experience."

You have lost nothing, We are layering to weather the future. The dimension itself if responding negative would have to make positive its next action, welcome to 01, utilize this to your advantage of having the option of staying balanced, some Beings are polarized. This is a good time for a Species that has been held back. It next turn will be a gift. I can even see the talent of the Russians and see how the Juggernaut has held them back also, We have become strong enough to hold Titans at bay. Now some have come to put things in order. Sorta like Cleaners, and all those coming against it will join that segment that has been created for those that wish to experience, know more, become full and whole and leave pieces of Pi. Anything else will be turned back and confused. Stupefied. ;-)
Mr. X I'm going to have to chew on this one a minute. The resistance feels like grad school and it never amazes me how little I know and how much I want to know.



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