Greetings, wholeness and balance fellow resistance members.

I have been thinking a lot recently about the emerging global situation regarding energy, food availability, chem trails, GMO, fracking and the water table etc.. (one could go on for ever) and the reasons why all this has been able to come about, relative to how they can be solved. I have through research and reflection come to the realization that the global downward spiral into lower vibrational states for all but the most vigilant has been achieved through the creation of scarcity which in turn has lead to the people of the world being placed into a perpetual hunger games of one sort or another. The fear and competition this has created has slowly resulted in all people becoming alienated from each other as all must compete for resources which are supplied by external powerful monopolies in return for our energy or life essence.

Now most see others as either competitors or parasites to be bettered or looked after, which has lead to all our relationships gradually becoming either disingenuous, adversarial or passive aggressive. Collectively we have become slaves to fear of lacking and are controlled through our reliance on the military industrial complex for the provision and protection of what we have been led to believe are limited resources. We have been disconnected from the earth which gives up it's bounteous harvest in abundance, water falls from the sky, sun heats us, the wind blows through the trees no fan or light needs to be plugged in the achieve this. Energy, food, water & oxygen is all around us yet many of us toil all day to earn enough curren(t)cy to purchase (or get enough purchase or hold on to) these things from the monopolies.

Everything that was once free now has to be bought or (sold) so we are led to believe and thus our very existence our connection to the earth our mother, the universe and ourselves (as all is self) has been abstracted and is now experienced by most via a defacto matrix of scarcity, re-branding, up-sell and alteration. Our home has been turned into L'EGO LAND and we are now experiencing an (L)imitation of life through a low level synthetic simulation ( or hardware abstraction layer) in short we are plastic boys and girls eating plastic food from plastic plates, eating with plastic knives and forks. The complex, multi-fractal, abundant, self aware, life giving, organic, real world where we could all experience bliss & self knowing is just over the fence but we have to be prepared to leave lego land (the land of ego) in order to experience it in any other way than a fleeting glimpse.

 I guess what I'm trying to say is that each and every one if us is ultimately responsible for the way the world is today and in that also lies the solution to the problem. If we can all take individual responsibility for the part we are playing and do something about it on a local level, then globally we will also see a change. Now I realize that this may be easier said than done and that I guess, is where spirituality comes in. Striving to know ones self though meditation, cleansing, right living and maybe most importantly right action throws up the problem of how do I get the time & resources to do cleanse and eat right etc.. 

If we use dense & inefficient ways of getting energy to do these things i.e. working for the man to get money then we defeat the object. We must instead find ways in which we can meditate (which requires time and solitude) cleanse (which requires clean food sources) and do right actions or not do wrong actions (i.e. not powering the power structure by working)

To this end I have realized that I must find a way to be self sufficient, self (em)powering, low entropic and disengage from the fake, defacto matrix of control in order to starve the beast, reconnect with the earth, the cosmos, and ultimately the self or all that is. Not only have I realized that this is necessary I have begun working on achieving those very things. I have in fact already accomplished much towards this goal although I still have a long way to go but felt that I should share my methods, ideas, experiences, failures & successes with you all so that we can get together pool our resources and  help each other to find perpetual energy sources and lifestyles.

Some areas I am working to incorporate into my lifestyle include;

  • Closed loop food production systems
  • Fractal, low cost living spaces
  • Starving the beast (I have already written one book that helps the individual with this)
  • Recycling broken electrical goods
  • Asset protection for perpetuity
  • DIY Renewable energy
  • Superfoods, Colloidals, herbal medicines, bodycare

If you would like me to share my progress on the above, please let me know your thoughts by leaving comments and suggestions below. I also join you to share your projects, experiences, howtos & video's etc.. on this discussion for the benefit off all the members

Wholness & balance vibrations

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Hi Elizabeth,

Really interested by this conversation, I too am living in France - not far from you in the Beaujolais region, 

oh oh, excellent new ! I'm currently in Brittany ad will be back home/office in Lyon this sunday. So glad to get in touch with you as soon as I have unpacked Rikisha Artemis! We should all tried to communicate more often in this beautiful group, I will try to do so anyway. Thank you Leon for starting this very interesting topic!


I am currently living in Essex and am also keen to live within a community of those who are committed to self sufficiency, love, peace, mutual respect, evolution, adherence to natural law, the belief in freedom with responsibility, free will, ascension, creativity, self actualization, oneness etc.. I hope during the course of this discussion and beyond we can all forge plans, pool resources, get together and make something beautiful happen!

Wholeness :-)


Essex, not far from France Leon, maybe we could meet some time in London? I may have to go there in summer. What do you think of New Earth Nation?


Hadn't heard of the new earth nation until now, so thanks for pointing them out. Upon initial inspection I can see that they are using the six pointed star as their emblem which looks decidedly Saturnian although I like the arrangement of dwellings along the flower of life schematic. It has a bit of an elitist feel about it, although I might be wrong.

It does however seem to be the very idea that I have been envisaging albeit with a number of subtle differences. I see that their are non in the UK so could pose as an opportunity.

They do talk about supporting people with their natural rights which is perplexing as the structure I have in mind would protect residents completely as their Identities would not be public record.

Leon, I was just asking, because I don't know if this organization deserve our attention yet, if we can trust them, despite Sasha Stone & friends' New Earth Nation discourse and their Breakthrough Energy Movement conferences are very interesting...


I saw that you had reached out to me on the chat unfortunately I was  away at the time. I hope things are going well in France, I myself am enjoying the weather here in the UK and pushing on with my own self substantiation in order to manifest a beautiful environment for all that would like to come along.

I am also working to procure some land in order to start a self sufficient community and on which to build the domes for living & growing food I know that as soon as I am ready to go to the next step all will be provided.

I am also planning a website for the community project and will be inviting people to contribute and also providing the blue prints to many of the aspects of self sufficiency.

I am interested to know where you are at and how I can help you with what you are doing, maybe we can come together with any others to join forces and really power up so that we all can see tangible results very soon.

So get back to me and we will put our heads together so to speak.


Leon, always glad to hear from you! I live in Lyon and I'm now in south of France, but will definitely come back to you ans our friends members from around May 17th... I love this little group in the beautiful Sevan's platform!

Bonjour Leon and Friends! I am ready to join and help any starting Community within our group, preferably in Europe. I love gardening and am strong enough to help in the building phase though I'm more in the creative field. I can easily travel with my car from spring to autumn, do not hesitate to contact me...

I'm currently involved in a project to build such a community over in BC, Canada. Glad to see we're not the only ones working to fix the world.


  • Do you have any plans/process by which you're community will interact with the 'authorities' and outside world?
  • What type of entity will the community use in order to protect the members from the system of commerce/slavery that makes demands with menaces on the inhabitants of the piece of land?
  • Do you have a way of operating whereby your assets will be protected and be free from levy by the Crown corporation of London/Nights templar?

If so, I would be interested to hear more on this if not I would be happy to make suggestions if you are open.


With you on this Leon! We will need to start a chapter in the US too since that is where I currently reside.



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