It is finished, a great work achieved, the Chakra tuner from bottom to top perfectly calibrated for the 7 Chakras.

Just so everyone knows there are 7 of these and you will find them by going to the "first" page of the comments. You will find another post by me with the rest of the tones attached.

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Nice, I know there is an effect taking place, Beautiful Sound and facilitates my meditations. I will patiently await the results.


Thank you



I mean No disrespect, "this alone is worth the price of admission", I have downloaded all Seven, I feel so happy, good, delighted.

Beautiful resonant sounds. It's like 'play me', feelings of Wholeness.

I think this is the answer to my grounding question, I submitted earlier.

Thank you,

Frankie Felice

Can't let these get to archived. Bump :-)

cant seem to get these downloaded.  am running windows. would anybody that archived these email me?

Felt wonderful! Thank you!

how can i get a copy of these i can place on a n audio device.

I put them together in MP3 format for easy download, here's the link:

your link doesn't seem to work...

Just tried and it worked for me. Try again maybe?

ya, it works now, thanks.

Thanks Kyle! Nice download makes it accessible......wholeness brother.

Wow Sevan that geometric image pulled me in.I live sacred geometry/ fibanacci sequence,phi .I am studying more on this universal mathametical system trying to get more understanding.I am drawn to nature,even through meditative nature vidios,well done,its in how you respond to it.I have many stones that are my friends.



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