A “WORD” doesn’t become a “WOR(L)D” until you add an EL. 7


This is the making of an External God. As it states in the Bible in Psalms 82:6, “I tell you ye are Gods and all of you are children of the Most High”. How many more times does one need to be told that they have within themselves what is necessary to rise above all of this. However, what are you rising from? Were are you going? What is there, and who will be with you? These questions will need to be answered by the Adept.

Since the proclaimed beginning of this current segment which man and woman have found their Spirits encased in physical bodies, most have been in constant service to the gods. This can no longer be overlooked and imagined not to be so. There has been a constant track record to prove that just about all instruction, guidance, cultures, molds of life, and even languages themselves have been passed down from graduated Life Forms. These advanced Life Forms contain as their core the same thing we have within ourselves, a spirit which finds its original generation from the Creator. This Spirit is called the Unbegotten because no one can decipher its origin or composition.

In the Bible there is a constant reference to Arks. As it states Noah was told to gather all the creatures in the Ark in pairs. As a child that story may suffice but as an Adult one can’t be silly enough to believe all the animals in the world were squeezed into a boat, in pairs. But one should not discredit the story altogether. It appears there are several Arks and Archives the hold knowledge of great proportions and vast intellect along with application. This is actually a command given of the gathering of DNA.

So Genesis is what it is, the Generations or Gene’s of Isis who are Veiled. The Veil of Isis means the barrier that keeps one hidden from the real world, it keeps one in the Garden secluded and away from everything else, in secret they operate the Secret Garden. Isis as Venus is the consort of many gods and thus she has spawned many generations with the gods producing many beings that are in fact part serpent because Venus is a serpent Queen/dragon Queen. She is INANNA keepers of the MES of a great deal of Names/Manes. The Resistance will continuously pull off those veils, as veil is an anagram for evil.

It can now be proven that this current flesh or Adom is an organic vehicle constructed by beings called gods to allow the habitant of the vehicle to traverse this plane called 3D under the limitations of the body. The body features 5 major shapes in its core geometry. An Orb, A Triangle, A Square, a Pentagon, and a Hexagon. All but the Orb itself are simply more complex triangles.

There is a hidden mystery here. If one becomes fully convinced that they are the body, which is the side-effect of looking into the mirror or looking glass for too long, they actually begin to believe they are only flesh although the Spirit inside of the body is so mystical and original. Again, it cannot be dated or even comprehended in its totality.

When one realizes the play and escapes the false pretences and dominations of the body, they become Spiritual Beings, globules of etheric sensors of great pleasure perception and capable of the perpetual orgasm. They then inherit the persona of the Creator which is immortal, timeless, perfect in every way as they have become aware of who they are. Its that simple, now We will show you what has made it complex.

We call this the top of the net. You have discovered the mystery and are at the top of the net in the Matrix. Now you await passing through in total consciousness as you have already began to venture out through Lucid Sleep, Vision, and Dream. The higher planes are destined to be your primary reality and your now like, what’s up. When is the wall going to open and the portal await me. Many are yet to figure out it just recently opened up inside of them. There is of course a little more to do, that is the only reason you are here.

Life is very active, I can tell you already once you pass through you are again surrounded by individuals, but this time it will be much different. Those you exchange with are awake and aware, they are living life while what lies below are the sleepers. From the view of many it is utterly amazing Our insistency to wake up the sleepers that do not know to care. Life comes in levels, with each level separated by a buffer that allows one not to cross into the others world although they are both visible to each other.

You see Principalities and Rulers sometimes on T.V. such as the Queen of England and the Pope. However, this does not mean you can go and talk to them or should I say, it. It exists on another level minus the argument if that level is lower or higher. It is obvious the maddened dreamer who is fed up with oppression would say she is lower. However the realist would immediately recognize her as higher and would then go into action on finding a way to rise above even her as they are mere Emperors or Lords of Imps so surely there are higher.

This takes a sober estimate of self, not being puffed up with pride. Look at the dedication of one who wins world medals, then innerstand when you do that with your mind what it will equal.

But to see this one must be real and at least sleep walking, but no sleep. One thing that has become clear and is reoccurring in all religious circles is that of the involvement of the Nepheru, also called Neters, Elohim, etc. These beings have been reported time and again as assuming human form. These forms are sometimes a little greater in stature than the current addition of human they appear to as they are Time Lords that comprehend navigation of 4D and have even set up certain locales and waypoint within it. These beings where accompanied with special powers. More simply, chakras turned on. Let it also be clear the Chakra is a unit of the Spirit, not the body, the body has Organs and they can work abilities through sound.

In my personal interactions with gods, who are in most cases just as separated from the Most High in likelihood and demeanor than an unconscious person to a conscious person, I have been able to prove many things based on fact and experience, not just books.

Knowing is simply not enough it is just the beginning. Many things that will be presented here are very obvious and right in the face. It may be of value to look at oneself when this is over and ask “why did I not see that, it was right in front of my face”. The Seeker is always having these kinds of moments. It is then you will discover that it is not that you did not see it, it is something else that gauges when it is time that you are ready to see it.

This program develops and installs the inability to see what is right in front of you. Tonight this show has been put together to lift the veil off many. There will be decisions to make and one must not ignore making those decisions because the time is upon Us. Mankind has brought time with the same money that is now becoming worthless. They have grossly miscalculated how much time the human race can exist if the ideas of this current regime come to fruition. Earth cannot continue as a unconscious warship.

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just what i needed... and i havent been on for a while.. wow... something told me to come check... and all day i was asking what this answered.. amazing..



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