I was wondering if anyone could share some artists who they know are awake by the lyrics in thier songs etc. I know of a few and i am trying to subject my self to better musical artists. I will start and if you have any input it is greatly appreciated.
K-os, Dub FX
Not sure what you mean by awake. Everybody has a different opinion on what that means. The music industry is a tricky beast because most artists that are successful have been influenced by the elitists agenda. Rappers like Kanye West, Nas and Kid Cudi just to name a few - will tell you exactly what that agenda is. Regardless of what some people say, I still listen to it so I can keep my finger on the pulse of what's happening on the dark side of things. Tool has a very good understanding of sacred geometry. I listen to everything that I feel is relevant to my expansion.
There aren't any lyrics, but if you like jazz, some of the most enlightened music to me comes from John Coltrane and Sun Ra
Support DMX trying to get out of the mess, and they won't let him - making stories about him, framing him; like Michael Jackson Tupac and the rest
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
The essence, the basics
Without it you make it
Allow me to make this
childlike in nature
You have it or you don't-- that's a fallacy!
I'm in them:
Every sproutin' tree
Every child of peace
Every cloud at sea
You see with your eyes
and see destruction and demise
Corruption in disguise
From this fuckin' enterprise
Now I'm sucked into your lies
Through Russel, not his muscles but the percussion he provides
with me as a guide
y'all can see me now cos you don't see with your eye
You perceive with your mind
That's the inner
So I'mma stick around with Russ and be your mentor
Bust a few rhymes so motherfuckers remember
what the thought is
I brought all this
So you can survive when law is lawless
Feelings, sensations that you thought wuz dead
No squealing, remember
(that it's all in your head)
The Voice of the Trees by Batholomaus Traubeck
A lot of these 800% slower songs on youtube sound very nice while doing yoga.
Maybe I misunderstand the nature of this "awake" condition because it seems like many are posting artists & music that moves them. No doubt this is a powerful experience, requiring a special performer. But does that make them awake? To me, those who are "awake" are actively striving to improve the human condition. I have found some artists who are able to do this through their music:
Enya: her music will lift your vibration
The Moody Blues: Most notably Question, Melancholy Man, Tuesday Afternoon, Om...
Cat Stevens: Miles from Nowhere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzplmeMMB84, The Wind, On the Road to Find Out
Earth Wind & Fire: Spirit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC3LUvKLgGw dezarie ~ roots reggae she def sees.
http:/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt7DFLovvD8 nahko and medicine for the people ~ saw these guys in hawaii last year, the clearest light from music i've ever heard!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9VJ2Bgz-hY fat freddys drop ~ from new zealand roots dub AMAZING
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