I have recently switched over to drinking distilled water upon the recommendation of a friend.  I have read the general arguments for/against drinking distilled water, but am looking for additional opinions on the matter.

Does anyone have a strong opinion on this and/or any good information to share?

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I Love your final sentence. Bless your water prior to drinking it. We have the ability to transform our water from every souce through our thoughts and calling forth the blessed properties of the water which will suit our energy.

Oh my, where to begin. For all-too-many years I resisted drinking distilled water, mainly due to reports asserting that the distilled water leached out vitally needed minerals from the body. Even Dr. Mercola, the Internet's own Marcus Welby, MD. pointed this out in one of his posts. Thankfully, one of my familiars with a more open mind than my own disabused me of that fallacy. Ah, but wait .... distilled water DOES leach minerals from the body, but they are the inorganic minerals that the cells cannot metabolize in any case.  That and the heavy metals. Somewhere along the line a writer forgot the "IN" in that inorganic word, twisted the meaning out of shape and it has been picked up and parroted by subsequent writers for many years.

Way back in ancient times, when it wasn't so easy to feed mistruths into the Internet's alternative media, the Vedic and Egyptian physicians were actively promoting distilled water. Not the kind produced by stainless steel distillers, but the naturally distill water from rain, springs and glaciers. This stuff isn't some recent New Age flavor-of-the-month health idea, it is something that has stood the test of time ..... lots and lots of time. All one needs to do is approach the Old Oracle of Google for articles about its benefits. There are enough references to satisfy even this most skeptical. 

I happen to live in a place that offers up THE best water in the world and with THE most perfect mineralization profile for human consumption, so I switch back and forth between purified water and distilled water. By submitting the mineralized water to UV and ozone treatment, along with carbon filtering and THEN distilling that, you end up removing the gasses that would otherwise remain in the distilled-alone water. I use the Megahome distiller and the Zuvo purification system.

Works for me. And if you really want to blow your mind, check out why distilled water is ALWAYS used in automobile batteries. A hint, it has do do with the positive/negative charge.

Count Zero

I have been using the ion ways alkaline system for some years. With your facts I am wondering if that is the best alternative to use? Do you have a background with alkaline water?

The best water I have ever tasted came from a spring coming up from the ground in a place of nature, that was when i was a child and I can still remember how wonderful i felt the minute i tasted it.

i found the Megahome system, but when i went to the zuro water filter all i could find was the zero water purification system.Did you do a type error ?

Thank you


I've been drinking it for several months now and I am in the best health I've ever been in in my life, even when I was taking my blackbelt in my teens I was not near this sharp, even when I stopped exercising I was still in better health than I ever have been. I drink a lot, the only consideration is the power usage and cost levels that entails, look at the wattage and then look at how much your watts cost you where you live. That cost however to remove the toxicity of fluoride, is well worth it for me, over any other supplement I could buy in its place.

For my part in my own bodies experience, I don't think it leeches anything good or bad, and the research I did that wasn't just heresy and speculation seem to support that. Instead it flushes out junk like regular water does. Distilled water just doesn't contain the minerals and toxins that regular water from most western countries taps do, for instance the aluminum waste by product of fluoride which is only in the water supply to limit your growth and potential. Fluoride is a calcium mimic, so its true it does what calcium does to an extent but you're FAR better off with calcium. if you want to raise your energies, clean your glands, or detoxify your body. You do however have to get your minerals from other foods, but if you're working on increasing your energies, ascension work, or just improving your diet you're likely doing this anyway. The only time I would not encourage someone to move to distilled, is either when they have a bad diet and really need the minerals, or have access to a fresh spring.

Distilled, in my experience, has been far more useful for washing things in, as you'll see a lot more of the waste floating to the top of water when cooking, and thus know to wash the vegetables more thoroughly. I am not completely organic yet in my diet, I am getting there and will move to more organic when I have more current, but it'll be interesting to see if as much junk  comes to the top in cooking with organic, my inner voice says no ;) As a final personal consideration, as no springs are to hand, I want to make rain water usable, so to remove my reliance on anyone else supplying my water, this of course means i need an outside distiller or some way of distilling it.

The best commercial water was the fiji water till it got over-corporated. Now I find that the best water is from volcanic springs. Currently at USHA village Alfredo bowman has th 8.5+ pH water which is from the volcanic earth. It energizes the body immediately.

For alternatives try momatomix from the amber institute or use a kangen water ionier with an ORP of 600+ Nothing good is cheap and nothing cheap is good. How much do you value your health is the questions. 

Greetings Avabore, The ORP should be a negative number. Kangen's drinking water ORP is about -250 which is good. An ORP of +600 should not be consumed. Just thought I'd share :-) Wholeness

Wholeness and Quality Dee  -  You might like to listen to Andrew Norton Webber's stuff...  Here is the specific point in a conversation with Santos Bonacci that he address Kangen water...


Hope this is enlightening to you 


Wholeness Zen. Thank you for this video, very interesting information. I'll look into it :-)

It's not a strong opinion, but I just wanted to throw this out there so perhaps someone could verify this for me:

Below, is a video I watched and if it is true, it would dramatically reduce the costs of removing flouride from our drinking water.   I hope this is okay to post like this.   This one starts out with a note from me:

" With all the grave concerns about Fluoride in the drinking  water and how hazardous it is to your health, many people have been looking for  water filters that remove Fluoride from their drinking water.  I have found  that their are only a few at this time, but I'm sure there will be many more as  this debate continues.  The Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filters and the  Zeolite Shower Filters are among the ones I've found.  But, for me and I  know for some others, the cost is prohibitive at this time. While on my  search, I found this video on Youtube.  I intend to try it and use  it.  It would definitely save a lot of money.  I was hoping that  someone test the water after the Wheatgrass was swished  for Fluoride  contamination and also after putting in baking soda  for the alkaline pH  content.  I know the baking soda makes the water alkaline, but how alkaline I wonder?"

Below is from the notes from the video:
          It is really  important that people take note of the fact that the "Consumer Confidence  Report"
that the contaminants in the water are...(they wouldn't have put this out  unless it was absolutely necessary and I'm very sure that they are still,  intentionally minimizing the problem with it's wording, if they report  it at all.
Wheatgrass removes fluoride in water. Baking soda makes it alkaline.
If you read the "Consumer Confidence   Report" that comes from your water company.... it may have the following   information on it:
"Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants   in drinking water than the general population. Immune-compromised persons such   as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone   organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some   elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infection. These people   should seek advice about drinking water from their health care   providers."
I'd say that we have a problem. We start out with water   that "immune-compromised" persons and babies should not drink and the water   becomes acidic as it flows through the city's pipes. Acidic water flowing   through pipes picks up lead and other contaminants directly from the pipes it   runs through. So the water that we started with might have been adequately   safe for the ge... more

Distilled water to my knowledge has very strong absorption abilities, and as far as I'm concerned I need my body to retain most if not all the things I"m putting in it at this time. SO for a cleanse yes distilled water would be great, other than that I stick to alkaline water which raises the bodies PH balance to deal with external and internal bombardments of the current "don't care culture" and also maintain the super healthy things I introduce into it. Also, intention changes many things....

First off, I have done a 40 day water only fast on locally harvested spring water which was excellent.  I have recently come across Andrew Norton Weber's research on youtube concerning distilled liquids.  The guy from in5d.com has a post about him drinking distilled water and you can see his gray hairs returning to blonde and wrinkles melt away on his face.  

As well, I have been drinking my own urine and doing massage with it as well.  I can't speak enough of how much chi is held in urine and how much better my brain functions when I am using urine.  I did a 20/80 distilled water/urine fast with a light meal at the end of the day for 5 days and was overwhelmed by the results.  I must say that along with some sun baths covered in urine, my skin became buttery soft and the few deep wrinkles I had became noticeably less.  

As far as the alkaline water - I have no personal use of it, but I believe ANW covers a couple kinds of water alkalizers and explains why they aren't good.  Also, again as Count Zero points out - distilled water only leaches inorganic elements from the body.  So, people worried about losing things they put in, it appears you aren't losing things that you want anyway.  


@Zen Alchemist - First Acknowledging Unconditional Love. I'd like to know more about this mention of urine carrying energy in it, I'm sure it does because all is energy in one form or another. Are you in anyway, purifying the urine before you drink and bath in it? Its my understanding the the urine is one of excretory process of the body and thus the body is releasing things from it which are held in the urine. Also, do you have any reference information for your claim, "distilled water only leaches inorganic elements from the body." I see you mention Count Zero but I am not familiar with that yet. Would you be so kind as to provide more leads to research I could conduct? I appreciate your post, I really appreciate your and grateful for the post and thank you for your experience and observations. As I am still learning about my body. <3

Also, I have started using distilled water and I feel very much more vibrant than I have previously, even though my energy was still high, now it rising into levels I have not experienced as of late or rather have forgotten. I have been using distilled water with oxygen therapy and it is working wonders, intuitively I have been trusting the process and now I see it possibly is pulling all inorganic substances from my body, and I want that! :)



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