ya casi terminan las olimpiadas y no ha ocurrido nada de lo que esperabamos, será que nuestra unión para vibrar mas alto que ellos los derroto? o que esta pasando realmente, por favor denme sus comentarios
Tienes razón Miriam, ocurrió lo del cinema Century 16 y los 48 iraníes secuestrados en Siria, que seguramente ya fueron sacrificados, el ritual satánico de la inaguración que no le hizo daño a nadie. Pero las expectativas eran mayores desde el inicio de la tercera guerra mundial hasta la aparición oficial de hermanos extraterrestres. Que bueno que no han ocurrido mayores cosas, pero la pregunta es que se hizo para que no ocurrieran más tragedias?
Gacias Miriam por contactarme
Dear Fernando as you may know everything is just symbolic, you must not take things that people say for granted, You can see that people in this web page RESISTANCE talk about a lot things such as Illuminati,Templars, Shriners, Fremasons etc tryng to probe that those organizations are there for evil pourposes but if you navigate just a little inside the articles, forums, blogs, images etc of these webpage (RESISTANCE) it is also full of symbolism the same symbols that they say are satanic and evil are used here talking about fractality, resonance, reflection, meditation, yoga, nature, oriental knowledge etc. Remember nothing is true or false everything depends on the color of the cristal you are using to see it.
@Julio Renaud"You can see that people in this web page RESISTANCE talk about a lot things such as Illuminati,Templars, Shriners, Fremasons etc tryng to probe that those organizations are there for evil purposes"
Just to be clear "these people" on this web page know what is ultimately behind all of these sources, a positive and negative force in many cases working out of balance, nothing more. What has come after the Covenant is a great deal of confusion as many struggle to see the truth with different color crystals rather than looking through a clear one. It is clear when you are In the Know what is behind these factions, Rex Mundi, and those that do not know but participate and sympathize are only debating within if they have the strength to lead themselves to the next life fully conscious on their own deeds, or will they ride the curtails of others?
As for the Olympic breakdown I will put it in to overdrive, such symbolism must be interpreted properly so one can get the full meaning. A ritual is conducted with several components and at any point the right component can turn the energy an entirely different way. In a sense building one up high to let them fall harder.
Expansion is eminent for all of us, we find a great deal of foundation in that, it is something that has already happened. Wholeness 7
Sevan, thanks for your comments I find interesting your concepts, I am going to try to go deeper in the themes and discussions In the Know, but I would like to say that there are also organizations such as Shriner s which come from Freemasonry that here in Mexico are for good taking care of poor children when they are burned or have other kind o health problems, The Shriner s Hospitals here attend lots of people that otherwise would be condemned to disease and low quality life, being good or bad does not depend on the color of your flag but on the community impact of your actions.
@Julio, this is innerstood I am very familiar with the Shriners customs of charitable deeds which they gained the understanding of from the Orient known under the title of Zakat. However the principle behind this for their Masters is very simple. When doing a great deal of negativity one accumulates large masses of the negative pole, in order to pair this negative pole with positive energy they conduct events in which they are seen as heaven sent in order to build up dharma in to maintain some type of balance against what is known as the Reflux Current.
The Reflux Current is what any Adept is aware of, it is the misfortune that hits you when using magic for the demise of others. Let us say you go around doing the highest levels of negativity for a day. The next day even if you are confined to your quarters something negative will happen whether its a slip in the shower, a loss of money, etc. To avoid these misfortunes these people have in a sense outsmarted the laws of Kharma.
As long as the individuals they give to see them as heaven sent, the energy of joy and gratitude from the grateful counteract the real Kharma that is being build by this group and their attaching factions. Further because the Shriners mostly consist of older Men, most of whom are war veterans, they are more of the charitable arm for the entire diabolical structure. Counteracting the negativity and clear falsehood for many of their brothers is their duty whether they are aware of it or not, in most cases they are not made aware.
I am working on the Olympic posts now so you will see it all there, however, the basics behind this are the Horned God Al-Uzza, Rex Mundi, and Baal. The symbol is a crescent Moon embracing or shrouding a Pentagram which means the Moon/Baal Sin clutching Venus/Aphrodite in his arms. Baalism has a continuous degradation factor since it is a practice headed up by a Being that is seen as half god and half man thus imbalanced through its phases by its flesh. Baalism is also Christianity as Christ takes the same place as Baal, the son of god that wars with his father YHVH in the old testament as they struggle for power and sway over the none suspecting worshippers. The trick is people have traded the worship of their Cosmic Father for the belief that their is a go between or evangel. Again when the post is done this will make a great deal of sense, for now notice the horns in these connected images.
The theme continues, they come with the Sword first, after everything is subdued and they have destroyed just about everything the next generation imagines they are the saviors when they begin to rebuild the things they tore down in their new style of building of course. After a couple of generations not many know who's who and whats what. A cross turned upside down and held it actually a sword. In the Know? :-)
Sevan from your perspective - is this is why the program of we must destroy everything exists. The armageddon scenario's: films, manuscripts, books, false flags all of it exists. They have to bring it down and rebuild it otherwise the systems gets too complicated for them to main control of?
When I used to write a lot, that is all I used to want to write about. America being a strong collective (cooperative - the important bit) power seems to indeed be the focus of much of the flak, artificial divisions hyped up, things like that.
If so I think people have had enough of it rammed down their throats that a few books/films/games/tunes etc, showing this cycle from the expanded view of it, would not only sell well but help. Just for anyone who is involved in those fields, giving people the overall birds eye perspective ;).
Julio most of the symbols are nothing like what they seem, to the fear based reality the average joe finds themselves contained within. That is part of the challenge I found myself in anyway, nobody in the masses has the truth of anything much on deeper levels, yet they are exposed to them constantly (and in some cases deliberately mislead). Here you get that truth as straight as it can be seen. Then you can make responsible choices from that, I don't always hit balance but i'm doing my best.
That lesson of responsibility was my lesson to learn anyway, and I am still learning it, I wouldn't have it any other way though :D.
Sure everything is a teacher, and knowing that is part of balancing yourself, that is what the resistance is for me. A balance where one is sorely needed, a center, and sense to it all.
*Also I wanted to add my father and grandfather were masons, I almost became one myself not by choice, by working with certain forces that I now know needed a very different perspective to innerstand correctly. Neither were or are bad/good men, but that doesn't mean the rituals and actions of the organisation as a whole are not imbalancing now, not 1000 years ago, not 500 or even 50, but right now with the energies, conditions, agendas, societies and rules we are working with. The pressures involved.
Fernando - That the TV is running the olympics and everyone is so focused on it, means that it is going on in you. If people could see that reflection macro/micro it would be enough I think, as everything else could fall into place. It's really going on right now, because it is occurring in the world and that is why its so popular!, but many people's focus is on the 2D box, not themselves.
As to disasters, I think those gifted individuals broke the code well ahead of time, which changed the whole outlook, probabilities as Bashar would say :).
Part 1 of the Olympic Opening Ceremony explanation can be found here. http://www.resistance2010.com/profiles/blogs/the-2012-olympics-open...
Estimado Fernando como tu mismo lo dices no ha ocurrido ni ocurrio nada de lo que te dijeron pues nada de eso es logico, al ser humano le gusta fantasear y tener algo en que interesarse, pero si hay cosas que suceden y que realmente nos afectan , no el James Bond La Reina ni los Reptiles, el problema real esta en la violencia e inseguridad que todos estamos viviendo en nuestro pais, pon atencion el lo que esta sucediendo con el caso Rapido y Furiozo, fijate como estos señores tan adelantados te pueden enviar imagenes de lo que ocurre en marte y si pasa cualquier insecto por la lente lo pueden hasta disecar, pero no saben lo que sucede en la frontera y no es una son 2 fronteras les pasan cargamentos de armas y nadie se da cuenta ni de un lado ni del otro, ahora se esta diciendo en las noticias que el gobierno estadounidense surtio las armas, se las vende al cartel de sinaloa, es decir que no se les perdio un cargamento de armas ni era una estrategia para rastrearlas sino se trato de una entrega, una venta.
Fernando faltas tu de opinar y comentar, este discurso lo iniciaste tu con eso de que Santa Claus no te trajo nada ¿sera que no existe?, bueno que se diga algo de ti, Saludos
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