I wanted to send you an personal post about my experience to this point within the Awakening Process that is unfolding on this planet.
One side of my life is normal I work with manufacturing engineers within research and development firms all over the country, I have a beautiful family 2 boys and one on the way, I am 39yrs old and the other side of my life not so normal....lol
I have had so many overwhelming mystical experiences from birth and thru my teenage years to many to count and now with my clients as a healer/medium... who give these out of this world claims on what happens to them when I touch them. To make it simple it seems they shot thru the roof energetically. Reporting back with euphoric experiences of light and lightness. To me its them shifting and I tell them its not me but the divine in them, I am just opening the door it has nothing to do with me. I think I am not even drawing in energy but lifting the space of energy (Morphic Field) around me to open up another space of energy in front and around them.I have had numerous healers tap into my energy and give me out of this world information about what is happening.
Now for the weird stuff...lol
I am a medium from birth , didn't know it growing up but I am able to read other thoughts, pick up energy thought forms in rooms, places where experiences have happened. I know when the phone will ring and who is on the other end, I know when the door bell will ring and what is being delivered. So my intuitive sense is very open and my sensitivity to my environment is heighten and increasing daily as I accept this other side of myself.
I know all my symptoms are energy symptoms as I seem to be opening up faster, blowing out energy thru my hands and top of my head. I do energy work with a friend of mine and find this helps balance my energy. I seem to be able to change the room I am working in by ramping it up with a breathing technique that I didn't learn but seem to feel comfortable doing naturally and when I let it all go and do nothing and accept it comes in super fast. Extremely fast. So fast some people leave the room and can't handle it.
Please keep in mind these are things that I have found the answers to already just telling you to give you a ground base on what is happening in my experience. To be honest with you I can take or leave this stuff, but have been given this gift for a reason. I also know to look within myself and I can't dismiss my own experiences. Please check out my website it will give you more about me.
Symptoms up to July 01, 2012 are below.
I usually get the tingling sensation a lot on the top of my head and recently an influx of energy in my whole body that it makes me not ble to sleep or function properly thru the day. I have to sleep with Crystals under my bed as well beside it to control my energy at night as I
am in and out of my body all the time. OBE.
When I meditate I keep having different experiences after I finish my
meditation I get flashes of light when I close my eyes I see intense swirls of silver& gold colors but a pulse like moris code....on off...on off...long short when I close my
eyes, swifts of air across my body, head arms and face.
Extreme heat in my hands, top of my head and center of my chest. I
get chest pains for no reason then they go away then same spot but on my
back but feels like an opening. I am in perfect health and have no history
of any problems with my heart.
I have no idea of what this all means other than a couple of dreams
and I see the numbers 11:11 a lot then multiple numbers like 1:33
10:10 or 12:12 with every combination of multiple numbers.144 all the time
and 8:08..now its 9:11
One big energy experience I had recently I was pulled out of my sleep my body
bent straight up, my wife woke up I felt a deep surge of energy pull out of
the center of my head as well I felt at peace and a deep knowing when it
come out of my forehead or third eye as a force of energy. Super bright
Blue energy orb, I felt I could breath thru it. This experience was the most
shocking and scary event to date.
I have started to trance meditate with a friend who brings me into a deep
state, I seem to pull in a lot of blue energy and people can see a blue tube
surrounding me. Then a pure bright white triangle of light will sit on my
chest. I can't see it but I can feel it.
I can direct the energy to sit in my hands and they will
start to shake and vibrate, it's not painful just different. .. I then can
do an intense breathing pattern and move past this energy and bring in other levels of intensity and color, some see beings of light as they call them come in the room then it changes in temperature depending on what needs to be done. Cold or Extremely hot. To me it feels super clean and lightness all around me, if I move my hands to the side it feels thick and heavy same feeling before lift off....lol and then I place then infront where the energy has changed its crisp and clean very euphoric .
When I did this for the first time I had a very beautiful,
orgasmic overwhelming experience. The extreme amount of energy I have no words to explain other than it's like I went from 0-1000 thousand in a split second. I felt like my own personal energy as stretched like a rubber band.
My body vibrated at very high rate of speed, buzzing in my ears, my
hands heated up to a very high voltage. It was like the space shuttle
taking off before count down....everything is shaking and the energy
is increasing faster and faster.
Once I asked to turn down the energy I was able to center myself and
come back. The first time this happened I was with a friend of mine
who is a healer and it had taken him 45 mins to bring me down
to stop shaking. His hands started to heat up.
I am in control at all times but if you have any thoughts on this I
love to hear. Not sure if its kundalini or maybe its something else as I seem to
be able to do it on command . Further into the investigation I have been told you can't open your kundalini on command so I am still looking into what this is.
I have done this over and over now and it changes in the intensity
and from super ice cold, from the bottom of my feet to the top
of my head.
Some people in the room feel a healing and have felt multiple beings
beside them once the energy comes in the room. When I do healings I pull this
energy in and the client has explained the feeling when I put my hands near
them as if an elevator is taking off, that sinking up lifting feeling. Super
fast like a lift off. I don't even touch them, just sweep the energy.
I can manifest things almost instantly, synchronicity all the time with people places and things,
deja vue loops over and over again, dreams come true within days, and I still have a sense that I don't have to do anything, which I don't. I have no idea of what that means and I have been told that no one on this plane can teach me, no book no person.
Love to hear your feedback on the next steps on how to get out of the BOX/CUBE...lol
Is this what the activation symptoms are?
Thank You for your time.