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Rated Adeptus*

I'm gathering knowledge from the Universe so fast I have absolutely no idea were I will be by late next year all I can do from this point is leave a very distinct trail. Then when people truly realize what We have been talking about truly means to the expansion of their existence they can use their brain like a telephone and call me and I will answer.


What you are looking at above is the completion of the Flower of Life. It truly becomes of no use unless someone brings you the whole thing. Ever brought a woman half of a flower? So the reality is just like always the people who have brought forth this knowledge have brought it forth missing the most valuable pieces, mainly the innerstanding of what it truly does. 


I will speak direct here. It is clear the world at large is under the paw or guarded by the Lion - Feline Beings. If you did not notice the word for Lion in Chinese is ShiShi or SheShe. Further you find the word Feline connecting to words like Female, Feminine, and Fecundity because it is becoming very clear how worlds become populated and what Neters become "The Mothers" of the Universe.

In Hebrew Kabbalah it states the mother letters are Aleph, Mem, and Shin or AMS. Ari and Aryeh are the names for lion in Hebrew so that traces the "A" of Aristocracy to the Lion which is very easy to see in parliament since they brandish it everywhere as their seal. M is obviously the Mother of all Mammals who generally have horns such as Rams and Mammoths. S of course is the Serpent Mothers. When you want to trace the development of the lifeforms related to the crown of creation you should begin here as all things stem from these trees. (3) Three = Tree when you remove the "h".




To get deeper into this the Sun is a Merkaba sending out a Light Code based on The Language of Light. You can actually witness this Code in a slightly altered state of consciousness actually crossing through organic life so this is not theory. This Code in turn programs the reality to be what it is through the same Torsion field that surrounds your body which we are calling the Aura. The Aura, Torus, Flower of Life, and Merkaba are all the same thing, however, the way they have been teaching those who follow such work on how to operate it has resulted in very little success because they have been showing and telling you only pieces so the truth remains obscure and veiled. 


The reality is Earth is a giant malleable growing crystal, always keep in mind crystals grow like plants and crystals are primarily programmed through light/laser/photons by shaping the crystal to the form of the desired state. Sound is a secondary form of programing since light makes a sound already. In the event the field is programmed to a Dodecahedron which is Phi then the fighting ensues as each Element attempts to exercise control over the other in a constant cycle of wood, losing to fire, and fire losing to water only to be absorbed by Earth etc. This is the cycle of energy through the combustion of duality.

Beyond the pentagram field you find only unhindered energy such as those contained in the Torus, Shri Yantra, Merkaba, and Aura. Since these fields are all the same it is very easy for one who knows how to control them to alter their own reality. Remember this field was created to send and receive not just receive programming. The controllers hide the knowledge about this because they want to control everything like a one way street leaving most in a position to only take commands. I believe the Beings that brought the knowledge to the Ancient Asiatics which was gained later by the Egyptians originally used this field to create nests for their progeny which were very advanced. Humans are very advanced Beings no doubt but few question the much more advanced Spirit within and its vast future and past.


Later it appears a strictly etherial system became usurped by those who carry the Pentagram which appears to create flesh or matter through the mixture of Fire (Huo), Metal (Jin), Wood (Mu), Water (Shui), and Earth (Tu) or Two which means Dual. They go under titles such as SR meaning senior or older. It is clearly related to the Serpent. It appears they placed their Dodecahedron web inside of the Flower of Life Lattice field effectively netting the Spirit only from the stance that it gives another access level. To make it more simple it appears the artificial electromagnetic dodecahedron field surrounding this planet now, which was made through technology, is the Net created by those who are wrestling for total control of humanity which can only come about through a constant re-programming and hacking since the person is naturally in a more advanced organic skin we call an Aura. 


To further see this fractal simply imagine the Spirit and the Body. The Spirit has this Flower of Life Torsion field around it while the body of flesh is the Dodecahedron or Pentagram Field. The Spirit can then temporarily lose its connection with the Universal Field by the suggestions of the Pentagram Field. So in layman's terms the Spirit can be made to forget who it is by the conflictive programing of the Physical Human Body. There is truly nothing new when you are under a Sun as it appears most are under the dominion of the Artificial Sun until they realize all of this. This makes the type of Beings involved in this level of interaction Zoomorphically Lion Serpents. Its Zurvan all over again, something history keeps forgetting but this time we will not let mere symbolism distract us from the hidden mystery. 


How this "reflects" in any reality that this is going on is the people will be under the "paw" of the Sun God of the time, a Lion-Serpent. The controllers of modern Christianity know this so they feature Jesus as the "Lion" of the Tribe of Judah but he is also the Nehushtan Brazen Serpent, Lion Serpent again. Believers worship on the "Sun"day which is actually called Domingo or the day of Dominion in Spanish.


Now hear this, this is not dualistic but mature, know where you are and what is going on or remain stagnant in the current state of consciousness. I will tell you that the previous inhabitants of this Planet who are now hyper dimensional have taken many Spirits from across the Universe and have placed them here for a time for various reasons. Teachers, Craftsman, Breeding, Warriors, Prisoners, Rehab, you name it. In some instances whole Soul Groups, such as the Chinese, are here together while in other cases only a few sometimes even one kind of Spirit from a particular sector of the Universe is here by itself struggling to stay awake. We are with you.



They have no clue of my plans, I pass through all walls, I program the dream. Sevan 


 * This means to tell nobody about things they can do nothing about as it only puts you and them in a worst position. Think about it. However, if there is someone that can, do not delay in bringing the message to them. 


Post Script: Now that I know what I know I have caught a glimpse of far more advance "geometry" or Worlds, however, what will one do with the one they are in now? Graduate Earth, climb your Spine. 



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Penta Hexa Sphere indeed. Reminds me of when "SAM" Shin Aleph Mem went to the other world on TRON which means THRONE he was first sent to the games. 

it's in the water Sevan, check out pentagonal water matrices


“…the key to the unusual characteristics of water was found in its structure.  Accordingly, the molecular weight of water – (H2O)2 - generally accepted to be 18, ought to be calculated based on a combination of pentagonal and hexagonal groups which predominate in bulk water. In other words, water is comprised of different percentages of (H20) 5 (molecular weight, 90) and (H20) 6 (molecular weight, 108), depending on temperature. Using these revised molecular weights and an understanding of water structure, the unusual characteristics of water can be mathematically explained.”


“…the specific heat of Hexagonal Water is higher than that of pentagonal water.  What this means is that Hexagonal Water has a greater capacity to perform work – to expel wastes, to absorb temperature changes and to protect against various other energetic influences.”


more here:

Hi Joshua!

Traditional science considers the fascia and the proteins of the body to be
an insulator that is incapable of conducting energy, information and
consciousness. When a traditional biologist wants to study tissue, they
crush it, pulp it, and put it into a centrifuge. The tissue is then spun at
high velocity to separate the solid from the fluid. The solid material is
then thrown away and the fluid is studied. However back in 1941 Professor
Szent-Gyorgyi said this was an erroneous way of doing research on living
tissue. He proved that by dehydrating the proteins that the removal of
water converted the proteins from conductors of energy into insulators.

Water is essential for life! Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi then stated that by taking
away the water, you are studying non-life! Keep the proteins hydrated, and
they are semiconductors of energy. He went on to demonstrate that all
substances are semiconductors. He states our communication system of the
body relies on water. A 10% change in water content can trigger a million
fold change in charge transportation along a protein. Of course, the
scientists of the time then ignored this important discovery because it did
not fit the model of reality that they had memorized. This is bias! It is
considered to be unscientific to be biased. I believe it goes beyond this;
the scientific community has become entangled into what is intellectual

This false and obsolete information (that the soft tissue of our body is an
insulator), is still being taught in all medical, dental and therapeutic
schools in the country. For more detailed information please read pages
72-74 in Dr. James Oshmann's new book "Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and
Human Performance".

Remember that trauma and inflammatory processes dehydrate the fluid
component of the fascial system. These fascial restrictions then exert
enormous pressure on pain sensitive structures and inhibit the vital
communication that flows through the liquidity of the fascial system and
every cell of our body that ultimately produces symptoms of pain, headaches,
restriction of motion and disease.

Traditional science still clings to the erroneous view that the connective
tissue is just an insulator even though it was proven wrong back in 1941;
instead the fascial system is a structural 3 dimensional web that holds and
conducts liquid, energy, and information. Wet connective tissue is a liquid
crystal acting as a semiconductor that is capable of potentially giving our
patients and ourselves access to the wisdom of the universe!


and here is another great read on Torsion Waves:


and why they are so important for awareness of DNA shifting frequencies:

my life is weird


digesting it slowly.  Thanks bro

Finally I innerstand what I saw before I was ready to 'see' the sun :). Thank you, I never thought it looked reptilian, and indeed it wasn't, a good idea to use for navigation. I need to browse over some of these middle posts that I have yet to read.

Yes you will see many more of them now that we are cleaning out the forum, we have about 50% more to clean. 

the lion with the geo-metric ( earth measure) in his hand looks exactly like RBC banks logo

is it just me or do the claws on the shishi look like birds heads? reminds me of the old cartoon spy vs spy. almost looks like their beaks are sucking energy from the grid...

This is a great and informative thread, thanks for sharing everything about this topic! I really want to learn more! I think it's fascinating to see the relations to the human body, don't you think so? But well.. it's no surprised since you can find these forms also in the nature like in serenata flowers uk or plants! But this cannot be a coincidence!

We are the Kundalini..Prana, Chi we are the life force.. the spirit... the essence of LIFE in all it's novelty of expression

Climb Your Spine...

Bring it

Several tries stopped me from climbing my spine

The snare that blocked me was I hadn't completely forgiven myself...

When you are stuck in past, it robs your energy... you feed it... you're stagnating...

the past if over... the Divine knows we are human... we learn from our mistakes...

let go and release the snare

My inner self spoke to me, we had a dialogue, I accepted my rational... for my actions and

I stood on it... THERE... that was my take... we can hate the ones who hurt us... we can

reflect it onto others who tweak our pain and knee jerk into reaction but we are trapped in the 

cycles of the past and we aren't living... we aren't our own master... the captain of our soul

until we let go... Kundalini knows us intimately... are we ready to flow with life... are we

asking for it... we have to ask and we have to have complete faith that's what we want

the power moved through me, I felt each stage open. Every moment is new fresh, I can't

even explain it in words



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