If any have noticed things have been rather quite for a moment as We are busily working on the next phase of things with The Matrix Underground, next weds Interactive Esoteric Radio show at 7:00 Central, live breathing videos, The Resistance Official Video, and many more things. As We encourage everyone to stay active in thought I have attached a book that is a phenomenal work by Michael Tsarion that puts things in great perspective in conjunction with what we already know. 

This is the most exciting time for man and woman I can tell you personally that I have seen things in this last month that indicates heavy E.T. involvement and a phenomenal secret that relates to the true origin of our races. The great news is many have reached a moment that they can choose to apply what is given to them and seek the furthest reaches of their own spledidness which is undistrubed connectiong to the Totality within.

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Thank you, Sevan.
Thank you Sevan.
No doubt, thank you.
Looking forward to the breathing videos! I've been looking on youtube for some breathing technique videos for meditation, but there are so many and with so many variations, would anyone know of a good one?
Hi If anyone liked Michael Tsarion he has his own website on www.taroscopes.com also most of his dvds are on ebay for a few pounds, as well as info on flouride, vaccines, health care, conspiracies etc quantum4444 i normally buy mine from her she offers exceptional service. I also found this great if your awaking people to the information out there.
Love & light



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