Whitney Houston transcended yesterday at age 48


The Natality chart w/ her current progressions is in the forum.

This begs the next question though. The Grammy party is going on now. Jennifer Hudson has already been tapped to sing a dedication at the Grammy awards another potential mass ritual being cast on the public. Whitney Houston also has a movie coming out in August ( release date change possible, maybe even on her birthday, as shes a solar Leo).

Foul play?

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Vibration brother. I pulled the same energies of a rite. For her to have already been at the Hotel.  Did u notice the street outside as they covered from the helicopter. Did you see at the intersection V then down a ways the X intersects with the V. crossroads for a Rite maybe. How do I do my chart and can u assist me with my remaining time left here on this plane?

On the 911 towers day of ny, few, more than one, in the know, heard a radio, announcement that whitney had transcended, it came about the same time the first tower was visually hit. some did not get to see tv broadcast of the second explosion/ plane as whitneys announcement was almost sychronistic with the plane hit. later the radio message was clarified that whitney, had not transcended, she was simply hospitalized. may be in the archives of one of those bli’s, The new and improved whitney photo did come out which sparked a tad bit of disbelief. A simple guess is that cloning is not a farfetched idea. ;)

the use of the numbers 4 8, may be an attempt to locate energy of those still unconsciously sympathetic to the whitney plight. or a cover to something else on another plane, that may have been occurring at the same time of the reported 2-11-2012 announcing of her transcension..
lasty may whitneys service, and gifts, ascend her to greater soul levels. thanks for this post

speaking of 9-11 & whitney:

"OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network will present a special two hour "Remembering Whitney: The Oprah Interview," this Thursday, February 16 from 9-11 p.m. ET/PT that will feature Houston's last in-depth television interview from "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

coincidence? lol

no something is definitely wrong

Also we must mention her prime handler "Clive Davis" It seems that most artists that sign with him have a pattern of Drugs, Death and Voice loss. Janis Joplin, Phylis Hyman & now Whitney Houston. Also he happens to have his new crop of talent ready on standby to replace and pimp out Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson & Leona Lewis which all have had there ups and down troubles all seem to revolve around associations with the labels he created. The links go on and on.. im really skimming the surface! The Mafia Satanic Hollywood Hit Squad in full effect. I dont buy the stereotype oh she was a krack head stuff and bobby brown was a bad influence, great way to write them off in the minds of the public....

What is interesting is Clive davis hand in all of this, I looked up his background (khazar). Another fact is he has j-hud, alicia keys. leona lewis, and kelly clarkson in his stable. smh

SMH yes it gets weirder by the hour..

If some are aware, The E NEWS reports her ROOM NUMBER 443 (4+4+3=11). Any COIN cidence?

I dont recall the lyrics, are they Janis J? Sums it up! Clive Davis, Jive Records, J Records. Nuts..

I saw Chaka Khan interviewed about Whitney she was asking why there was a party in the hotel the night theyre beloved songstress died. She said it was a severe act of disrespect.

Yes indeed the pattern has reached a redundancy rate so high its almost now they really have crossed threshold.. Jimi was so blatantly murdered as Marvin... Since the super bowl mega ritual its all gone in to overdrive.. But so has our understanding of it all we aren't going to get thrown of balance!... NO WAY..

Yes Aseer did a great job.. excellent show..



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