I recently saw this video footage: Media Propaganda vs. Homeopathy.
LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JspvtK-_WZc
Quotes from the show:
"Homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo.....and its relatively weak."
"They're basically sugar pills....."
"Hmmm this Homeopathy is starting to sound pretty suspect...."
Personal thoughts:
*It was interesting to see at how they did NOT interview people who have truly benefited and healed themselves from Homeopathic remedies - as in very noticeably....significantly...
*They also tested random "skeptics" who tried to OVERDOSE on homeopathic remedies...
*They also made it a point to make HOMEOPATHS look like a bunch of charlatans....
I was actually laughing at one point... just at how RIDICULOUS the show was....lol.
Homeopathy has been around a long time...
To put it simply homeopathy is one of the biggest threats to BIG PHARMA....imagine a substance one could use without the side effects of Pharmaceutical Drugs....
So what is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system which treats individuals with highly diluted substances: the idea is to trigger the body's natural system of healing and to speed up its the healing process.
What's great about the Resistance is that we are active seekers. You can find books, articles and much information about Homeopathy online.
So let's get to the point... How can one benefit from Homeopathy? How can one use it?
Some of the basics terms:
CH = the strength of dilution.
*You'll find 30 CH or 200 CH
*The higher the dilution the higher the potency.
*I've heard of some cases where you can a higher dilution even up to 1000 CH
---> you'd have to see a homeopathic doctor to get a dose this high.
"Like with Like"
*In homeopathy, they treat "like with like" ---??
*A remedy can be obtained from the substance which caused the pain.
H0M0 = same
PATHOS =suffering.
This idea is referred to as the “Law of Similars”"
"An onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it."
e.g: You want to use a remedy to reduce an allergic response.
Mainstream approach: ANTI-HISTAMINE
*using medical jargon: "cells release histamine during an allergic reaction."
*allopathic medicine would prescribe an ANTI-HISTAMINE drug, to reduce the allergic response.
Homeopathic approach: HISTAMINE
"Like with Like" so get the same effect, you would by HISTAMINE remedy to get the same effect.
*again: the homeopathic HISTAMINE remedy and it will act as a ANTI-HISTAMINE.
Common remedies:
Chamomile - calming down
Arnica - pain
Belladonna - fever
Euphrasia - eyes
Apis - bee stings
Histamine - for "anti-histamine" effects
Hypercium - nerve damage *200 CH higher dose
Arsenicum - food poisining
Coccolus - nausea
Gelsenium - flu
*You may also have to combine certain protocols for certain ailments.
*Consult with a homeopathic doctor for more details.
*Other Interesting notes:
THE POWER of homeopathic remedies is that they have no known side effects...even when you mix protocols....truly amazing.
*WITH HERBS: you have to be extremely careful with the combination of herbs...but with homeopathic remedies..one does not have to be so concerned.
Interesting thought process, but most of it is off the mark. Homeopathy is thought to involve quantum physics, not Newtonian, thus the confusion about how it works. Many of the remedies listed are not used commonly, and Bach flower is an essence, not a homeopathic remedy. The example of cutting an onion - it is the very symptoms of bland tears flowing that would cause you to use the remedy to get RID of the symptom. But the totality should be included, the bland watery tears are just one part of the case; if it occurs with a cold or flu, you must take all of the parts together to come to the correct remedy, or else you are using homeopathy to suppress the natural expression of the body and it can cloud the case. It may not do harm, but it won't do any good if you take the wrong remedy.
The whole idea of the 'overdose' nonsense in front of pharmacies in the UK is classic misconstrued information. They don't understand it, and unless they're taking a remedy they actually need, it won't produce any effect. It's like a tuning fork that resonates to another (the remedy in one hand, the person in the other). This is why it is not dangerous. But the body will react only to the frequency that heals, so any other is worthless to that individual.
If you think about the placebo effect, it is quite funny. Vets use it with animals, and most don't know they're getting anything (imagine cows being fed - do they know someone might have put something in their feed?). There are so many other points, but these are some...
Thanks for input RJ.
As for onion example I was just trying to point out the idea behind it is treating "like with like"; I didn't want to get into the details of frequency/vibration etc....
In regards to the remedies guess "Common" wasn't the right choice of words. I've used some homeopathic remedies and recenttly atteneded a practicum of a nutritionist with a homeopathic background - those were some of the remedies she used for her children as well as aquitainces and clients. (that's where I got my sources)
Your right about the back flower, it is an essence. edited the post thnx.
Sometimes when you get information from people, the transmitting of the information can be faulty. She may have used those remedies, but those are the remedies her children may have needed, not mine (or yours, should you decide to have them!). The remedies used in different cultures can be very different from the ones in ours. But having attended many seminars and conferences (I'm a certified registered homeopath with an MS in Natural Health), I'm sensitive to people not using exactly the right wording because it leaves the profession open to ridicule. She could have said (and she may have, but your experience comes into play here too) 'these are the remedies I found useful in my home.'
There are remedies that have attained the status of polycrests, meaning they're used a lot, but I think there was only one you listed. They attain that status because they cover many symptoms in a particular people. Arsenicum and Phosphorus are commonly used for food sickness, for instance. I wouldn't be caught traveling without them! Herbs, of course, can be made into homeopathic remedies, but so can any plant, animal, or mineral. There is an enormous amount of information to be learned just in trying to find the correct kingdom for a person's remedy, much less the specific. It really is a science and an art.
I always say that after 4 years of schooling in classical homeopathy (after my MS), it just scratched the surface; you learn more and more every day. I appreciate your curiosity and interest, thanks for the great work!
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