Ok, this is right in our faces. They don't even care anymore, and this is proof.

Take the word "illuminati" and spell it backwards. You will get "itanimulli"

Now, make it a link: www. itanimulli. com

It's a working link to The National Security Agency's website.

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thanks 4 the heads up, Ayzik.

They are monitoring everything so there is no need to shy away now. Again release Us or We will break the Matrix (did you monitor that), I refuse to live a life in fear, that is not living. Now Sweexy this is a brilliant discovery, utterly amazing, many are talking about disclosure but they have already disclosed and these are the final touches. Hey Ayzik I wanted to let you know I looked at the schematics to the black box, ugh, I senior engineer couldn't even make heads or tells of that chicken scratch, I will let you know my next idea in the PM. Sweexy let me know if you discover something else as you are a natural. :-)
Now that's my official laugh for the day.
Thanks Sevan, I will definitely keep you all updated if I find anything else suspicious.
Funny SON, before reading this post of yours I looked up the registrant as well and found the same information. I wonder whether this guy has just registered that domain and pointed it to the NSA website, just for kicks, or if he's even involved with them?

that is def my opinion on this...its just some guy trying to freak someone out. I mean it takes a few minutes to do and is really easy.


I wouldnt worry about it...

Oops you must have awoke Son, here we go. :-)
not sure if anyone has mentioned this but the site is registered on some geek and he has simply done a "redirect", so its just a joke from someone... imo

check whois.domaintools.com

Just in case it wasn't clear. They start young.
creepy. those eyes... any idea who that is?

Okay I'm done I can't keep up. :-)



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