Date of Creation: April 22, 2009

Mission Statement

Welcome to the Resistance my name is Sevan and it is Our continuing mission to bring the final phases of true enlightenment to those who feel they are ready to ascend beyond in this lifetime. Our efforts are focused around the highest esoteric knowledge and application or alchemy of the body. As the power must be placed in the hands of the people, We resist all gods and have the Creator as Our focal point. Our ultimate goal is to allow true reality, which is actuality, to reach the minds of the youth who have been sent to Our world to handle what We are to face in the future as a Species.

Who are We?

We are you at your level of graduation. We have walked many paths to ascension and are able to help you on whatever level you are currently engaged in. We are the beacon in the dark lighting your way to your next supernatural experience. We have assisted many in collecting their energy to break the illusion, thus We operate outside of the Illusion and many will find that their discovering Our existence at this point is far from coincidence, which there is no such thing.

Where does this all come from?

In life We have discovered deeper portals of truth and life beyond this frequency which We will call 3D. As man has showed externally that he is more fascinated with the discoveries of Outerspace, We began Our discoveries in “Inner”space which is where high knowledge can be found and one simply needs a correctly calibrated body to begin travel, rather than billions of dollars worth of metal and plastic. So much of what you see here has been extracted from outside of time, meaning it will not only show relevance in this world but in the next, as much of the information presented is the language of hyperspace.

What should I do next?

As this is a virtual community filled with individuals from various walks of life extending across the far reaches of the globe the first thing is to fill out your profile correctly. Esoteric knowledge level, current abilities, and experiences are all valuable in assisting Us in determining what you may have interfaced with already and what direction will generate the greatest benefit on your ever quest.

There has been a method developed here that works as a default and will need very little fine tuning. As We do not exist in time it is of most value that you get started as soon as possible. A simultaneous approach We feel will bring you into “the know” much more swiftly.

This includes educating yourself with the book the Code to the Matrix available for free download at various points on the site including the first page and under the forum tab. This information will bring you present to what is happening in this world from ancient times to this very moment. It will also give you a Cipher which gives you the ability to “decode” your life for its true meaning and the depth of your existence individual and collective.

As We work with mind and body there are a few things that can be done to the body to produce rapid results in levels of comprehension and physical experience of a spiritual nature, this is:

• A half tablespoon of baking soda in the morning to Alkalize the body and rid it of accumulated acidic toxins.
• Avoiding products laden with Fluoride, mainly toothpaste, in which you can substitute baking soda. Food Grade hydrogen peroxide 35% is also useful for strengthening gums etc. (please follow dilution instructions when using this substance.)
• MMS – Miracle Mineral Substance is hands down the “cure all” for the various ailments a person faces physically and mentally. This substance can be used to purify tap water, eradicate pathogens within the body, kill bacteria within the colon and intestinal line that effects consciousness, as it oxidizes the body. This is the equivalent to hours of deep breathing. You can find this substance located on the “Store” tab, very inexpensive, very effective.
• Chakra centers as mentioned in the book can also be cleaned with the application of various crystals placed on the chakra centers before sleep. There is no specific layout, one is encouraged to make a trip to a local crystal store and allow the particular crystals for you to lead you to them. As crystals are one of the purest living substances here in 3D, you will find great adventures in being acquainted with them.
• You will also find various frequencies uploaded in the Forum section entitled “Downloadable Tools”. These frequencies will help awaken chakras, balance Auric energy, tune your ears to other wavelengths, and open higher channels of communication. As everyone’s experience is unique there is nothing required except that you just play the tones during times of focus or relaxation and see what happens.
• For those who wish to find something for all immediate senses including visual, they can locate “full spectrum” lights or color lighting, preferably soft pastel colors, to change the configuration and mood of the body and mind.
• Lastly we recommend that you locate some “pure” essential oils. While sampling them We suggest you close your eyes and “smell” the experience. When you find the oil that brings you into memories that you don’t necessarily remember, you have found a trigger.

Keep in mind you do not have to do all of what is listed above to gain total experience. In each of these methods you will find benefits as they cater to sight, hearing, spell, and touch. There are other treats you will find the deeper you get into the site especially in the archives or older forum posts, video, photos, etc.

As you can see Our objective is to present everything that We know works for growing the spirit body to allow it to break free of the cube and its normality’s. One of Our primary objectives is to awake the Superhuman or H*** Luminous. This is not a mere idea and We have in fact awaken many of the stages of the advanced Being within individuals associated with the site, including myself. So thus We are speaking from actual experience and not from mere data.

We are here for you on your incredible journey that will be the most exciting time of your life as you will be awake. If you feel the urge to contribute to Our cause and continuation you can find the donation button on the bottom of the first page. All contributions are greatly appreciated as they allow Us to formulate more effective strategies in raising the total consciousness of the people.
Here are recent questions that I often address so I will start putting the questions and answers here so I can refer people to this post.
1.How do I properly mix/use MMS?
2.How do decalcify my pineal gland?
3.How do I obtain a physical copy of The Code To The Matrix?
4.How long should I go through the cleansing process with MMS, before I begin the use of monotomic gold?
5.How can a cleanse my body completely?
1. MMS should be mixed 5 drops in a gallon of water and allowed to site for 24 hours. This water should be your regular drinking supply as it will not contain fluoride or bacteria after the treatment.

2. Gotu Kola will assist you the most in decalcifying the pineal gland. Also herbs such as Alfalfa, Oregano, Parsley, Cilantro, etc. Include lots of these herbs in food.

3. The Code to the Matrix has not been printed in mass. So you will have to refer to the post "The Code to the Matrix" Printable Edition and have it printer as the black background has been changed to white to preserve ink.

4. Monatomics will accelerate the process and should be taken as soon as possible.
For much more detailed information in regards to Supplements click "here"
5. One of the greatest questions, be sure to take a good review of the Complete Internal Cleansing Kit by clicking "here"
Wholeness and Balance Vibration!
James Evans Bomar III
Founder of the Planetary Resistance

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Not sure this is the right place to post, but I couldn't find a new members' forum --

I just finished The Code to the Matrix and then joined up here. CttM has certainly corroborated much of the information I was already aware of, and as well as introducing some new info, I have found it a wonderfully simplistic - but by no means simple! - synthesis of much of the hidden knowledge I have found from other sources. A lot of the other sources have only bits and pieces of this information, probably due to them specialising in only one or two of the disciplines, but it goes a long way in giving it the general believability factor, aside from the fact that the information resounds with me.

I have come upon all the knowledge I have on my own, meaning I have never joined a group that could ensnare me in their hierarchy -- this is why I list myself as "neophyte" as opposed to say "initiate," because although I may have had "initiation-like" experiences, I prefer to keep myself solidly independent in that regard, regardless of my personal progress. That said, I have no problem in joining a group such as this in which to find comraderie and share knowledge and experiences with others of like mind.

Most of my talent in the spiritual arena is primarily dream related. Others in my family have experience with visions…generally we all trust our intuition. I wonder if it's something in our DNA, as our bloodline has not deviated significantly for at least the last 100 years (by that I mean we are all 100% of the same nationality), maybe even further but I cannot confirm that. My grandmother had told us stories of visions and other anomalous experiences involving family members. Regardless, I seem to be the only one in the family that seems to take any of this with any degree of seriousness.

At the moment, the biggest challenge I face is the way to go about getting all the information out there for people to see. I've been very careful about how I introduce this knowledge to people - and I change my attitude and angle on a case-by-case basis so as to not scare anyone away, nor compromise our work by doing so in less than a compassionate way. Obviously, people can be so downright hurtful toward we who reveal this information. I've gotten in over my head on more than a few occasions and gotten into some less than productive verbal sparring matches because I'd chosen my audience unwisely, even though they are so-called friends. Sometimes I feel they are either Illuminati trying to discredit me, because some of these friends have much esoteric knowledge; sometimes I feel they may have been on the right track at one point and then swung back to the other side for one reason or another; yet other times I feel they are on my side and they are just testing my verbal skills. In short, I'm looking for some good methods of choosing an audience and relating the information without getting ballasted back to the Stone Age, because that really disheartens me. Facebook certainly doesn't seem to be the right venue, but that's one place where all my friends go. Anyway, at least two people I know will be forwarded the CttM information, one is my brother and the other a friend who came with me to see David Icke recently, so I think here is at least some fertile ground to start scattering seeds.

Anyway, I am glad to be here and look forward to interacting with you all. :o)
.....welcome bro..............
Hello Plain Tiger, Thank you for your post, I am with you 100%. I have been going through a lot of 'self work' if you like, for it seems for ever. Having done a lot of reading (especially David Icke) and other lightworkers, I am more aware of the changing frequences of Mother Earth and her inhabitants, ( so fustrating when there is no-one around to talk to about this, saying that - I am not fustrated now because this is OUR journey, everyone else has to find their own way.) Perhaps it is through our actions rather than words that people may learn from us? ( thinking aloud) (:
I had a megga healing experience yesterday whilst meditating, passed out for a little while, so I then slept nearly all day. Today - well what can I say? I feel quite elated. I feel at the moment all we can do is KNOW OUR OWN TRUTH, WHAT WE FEEL IS OUR TRUTH.
love and light!!!!
thank you so much for allowing me into the group. hopefully we can get to know each other better and share our experiences
I'd like to say thanks for accepting me into the group, im a young guy of 22 and almost as far back as i can remember, i always felt things didnt add up and life and the way the world 'works' seemed very wrong and unfair. The last few years i have taken a great interest in finding answers to my thoughts, i have been really amazed to find there is so much information out there that constantly backs my thoughts, that this isnt the way it should be and we are all lied to and manipulated into playing 'their' game.

How i came across this group seems pretty incredible to me. I get two buses to work, 5 days a week and now and then i kept noticing a very nice lady that i felt something really different for. One day not so long ago, i just randomly started speaking to her (im a very private person and tend to keep myself to myself, so this was very out of character for me) and it turns out she has the same thoughts/ideas/questions/knowledge as myself. I have found this incredible and very comforting. The last time we had a chance to talk she told me about this group and took my email, now here i am, ready to further my knowledge of the illusion we are all slaves too and hopefully meet some great new minds along the way.
Wonderful Visionary it is good you are here. We welcome you.
U are in the right place, with this you can further your INNERSTANDING > < to all NEW MEMBERS... U have Allies with Us, WHOLENESS

I wanted to take a few minutes to respond to A Personal Appeal from Resistance founder James Bomaer. ... which I received at my email address. Since it is has a noreply return address, I am choosing to respond here.

I am unable to contribute anything financially, since I live on nickels and dimes myself ... I even have to go to food pantries to stretch my budget. I am not complaining, because I have learned that despite my challenges that Creator Source always provides for me. However, I am stating this by way of saying that I am not able to contribute.

However, I do believe that you are a most sincere, earnest and loving  individual working hard to make a positive contribution to the world ... And in lieu of this, I wanted to at least let you know that I am sending you Love and Light and a positive intent that your needs be met.

I have spent some time exploring your site, finding some things most helpful and other things that don't necessarily resonate with me. By the same token, I practice non-judgment, so I have no need to be challenging or confrontational toward you (as it seems perhaps some others have been)

I do have a question of curiosity, however. I wonder why you call your community and website "The Resistance"? .... Since this is perhaps the one thing I least resonate with. The reason for this follows: I believe that the only way to bring lasting change is ultimately to rise above an "us" versus "them" attitude. In other words, it is my belief that the "Resistance" of duality consciousness has to be dismantled. Hence I do not feel I need to "fight" - "war with " - or "resist" anyone's philosophy or approach. Instead I strive to inspire and invite each person to deal with their own wounded psychology. It is my feeling that in the end, we are all personally 100 % responsible for our own ascension.

If you have time to respond to me, I would enjoy reading your thoughts. If not, then simply accept my Best Wishes and enjoy your Holiday Season.

Respectfully ...

With Love and Light,

Kate Seeger

Thank you.


Thanks Satori!  I am very happy to have found this site.  I hope to learn a great deal here.    Be in Love and Peace.  d'tewa



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