"I Am that I AM" (destined to victor)
Blood type: AB+
Recent genetic lineage: Hungary + Russia bloodlines
Power ray: Blue
Ray of service: Divine Illumination
Dominant Chakra: Anahata
Subdominant Chakra: Visuddha
Human Design: Manifesting Projector
Auric tonal scale: Full spectrum
Legion: Trail blazers
Rank: Seraphim
Chief angel: Gabriel
Primary affiliations: Lords of Wisdom, Seraphim, The Great White brotherhood, The Wheel of Life, Gaia crystal grid, 144, Arcturian forces of revelation
(most recent) Galactic origin: Boote constellation: System Arcturus
(default) Astrology chart:
Rising Star (Ascendant): Leo
Mercury (communication): Leo
Moon: Pisces
Sun: Cancer
Mars: Scorpio
Saturn: Scorpio
Jupiter: Capricorn
Pluto: Libra
Default Elemental setout: Fire 56%, Water 47%, Air: 4%
Numerology designation
Birth number 11
Name: 9/22/4
(not that it matters)
Stellar Affiliations: The Great Central SUN, NEBADONIA System
Archetypal recall: The Magician, The Warrior, The King, The Lover
Name ID: Natanael Seraphim Crystalline Eloah Jady
Universal ID
Name: Natanael, Nathan, Nateh, Nathanael
Stellar signature: ~o~
Activation status: 72% and rising
Likes: Art, Beauty, Metaphysics, Technologies, Nature, Sport, Networking, Traveling, Yoga & Pranic excersizes, Chakra activation excersizes, Quantum powers exploration, ART of Reality Creation, Women, Animals
Currently available Assistance in Creating: sacred ritual practice, angelic magick, grid activation, spirit infusion into shielded realities, circle of light creation, protection rituals, blessings of oneness, providence ability, multidimensional reality connections.
Allegiances: Solar creative forces, Lunar feminine, Seraphim Phillipus, Guardian Forces, Archangel Gabriel, AA Michael, Gaia, Solaris, Ekara, Isis, 11:11 Platoon, Telos Central,
Mission: Establishment of New Reality Matrix/Bringing God's consciousness to physicality, etc.
Find more photos like this on ~o~ 11:11 Gaia's Temple of the Universal Consciousness~
I claim my freedom and sovereignty as a Universal Citizen.
I AM a Reality Creator going through a training and series of initiations that triggere DNA activation in my body.
I am a sovereign entity, crystalline soul incarnate, which knows where it comes from and where it goes and is consciously aware of its eternal essence and angelic nature.
I have established a universal truth in my SoulSong but i keep repeating the cycles of mental strain as i find some of my aspects still engaged in the low vibration realities (the matrix, malkuth) of fear and survival. ie. experience of Duh energy.
Mainly due to relationship with the social-economic enviroment.
Though the knowledge that my light is powerful enough to Light up every corner of the Universe i wish to create ascension yet. I hold a great vision for this planet and for my soul group and kin. Yet it takes more than one powerful individual to establish a physical reality creation based on Love and Light and grounded physically.
I work as a Creative Designer at ~o~ InspiredMedia Creative Studio
I AM continuously progressing towards the expansion of my creative abillities, Arcane knowledge and mastership of Powerful strategies and Psychic abilities.
I Am looking for other Creators kindred with my Soul Group to co-create together an establishment of the Divine plan for the Local Universe and a community based on clean eco energy.
I am also looking for a safe enviroment or community where i can experiment with my Creativity and fully activate my spiritual Self.
I seek an ownership of fruitful land with intention to create a Sacred Space of Love.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in
I AM in recognition that I AM you too.
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hello natanael!
I AM glad to e-meet you new friend/ fellow lightworker. You seem to be really understanding and very aware. It seems that you like me also remember your purpose here on earth. (lightworkers unite!) I don't know if natanel is your real first name but I really like that name, it reminds me very much of one of my dear angels, Anael. My chief angel is Micheal, as yours is Gabriel I see. I like to study enochinan magic/ language, chakra and DNA activation as well and I AM forever practicing and strengthening my psychic abilities and connecting & becoming closer with the divine. I also like to pray, meditate, and communicate with angels. I would like to talk to you about anything and everything! so definitely keep in touch I AM WE ARE:)