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  • Eugene, OR
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Michael's Page

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What is your current spiritual level of innerstanding?
How did you find out about the Resistance?
Unfortunately the lack of sharing without membership is a deterent to me. Exclusivity is in my oppinion equal to eliteism.

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At 10:55am on March 26, 2010, Ipriama Kwan said…
Jambo! Michael,
Does your "one true God" have a name or is everything your one true God? Everything consist of holiness and evil which brings balance and discord to our existence. We must make choices. Either to be holy or evil. Either to allow darkness(evil) to rule which would be more hardships and bring about more inner Hell; or aim for the more light (holiness) which would raise the scales of holiness and bring about more love on earth and witnin. It is good that you said "blasphemous at this point" otherwise one might assume that your mind is not open to spiritual growth and enlightenment, which is the primary purpose of the Matrix. It is quite obvious to me, that you are seeking more light...otherwise why be apart of a movement that's is designed for said purpose.
Perhaps if you look at a membership to the Matrix as you would a person you might or might allow to enter your home. Our homes are cherished temples to us all, as are our body temples. I feel certain that you check persons at the door who might bring energies into your home that would upset the spiritual balance that you work to maintain. Am I right? I, myself, personally sense and check unclean spirits at the gateway to my home. If one makes it to the doorway, they have passed the first screening, they are clean. If one make it in the doorway, they have passed the second screening, they will be tolerated. If one make it into my home, they have been welcomed. If one makes it into my inner circle we have become extended family members. This might seem a bit extreme or perhaps a bit much to drive home a point, but I think you get what I mean. Quite simply, it's necessary to weed out and remove weeds, so that they don't grow up and choke out and kill the garden. It may not be "politically correct" but the Matrix is not driven by politics. Please don't be detered. If the light is what you seek, it can be found here in the Matrix. Peace & Blessings...
One Love,


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