Hypnosis has hindered my ability to reason things clearly, also. My life has been an experience of believing one lie after another. This occurs not because I want to be lied to, but the moment I develop a belief system, I leave the moment – the place where wisdom exists. Therefore, to remain outside the hypnosis state I must not become emotionally connected to the thoughts intellectually implanted within, or build a belief structure. There’s no need for a belief structure, as wisdom knows all things. As we watch and wait, we reconnect to this unlimited knowing, and in watching and waiting, reclaiming our eternal paradise state occurs.
So … what to do? Do nothing! Simply watch and wait … reconnect to the original state of wisdom, through awareness of what’s transpiring, and your reality will be just that … one of wisdom, peace, power, liberty and freedom. We manifest that which we focus upon. Focus on either the Swine Flu or the Vaccination and one or the other will become your reality. Focus, and become aware of the manipulation of the luciferian mindset, and reclaim the immunity within the Paradise State. This is how our reality manifests. One is real, one is illusory. Choose wisely.
Thinking is where you attempt to plan the future, or correct the past, both of which are non-existant. There is only One Moment in Reality, and it can only be experienced outside of the Trance State. To move forward, or to move backward, within the illusory Time and Space 3D realm, and out of the Eternal Moment, which exists only outside the Trance State, is to move out of our Original State of Wisdom. This movement is corruption, or Death related. Death doesn’t actually occur, but within the Trance State, Death only appears to take place because of the suggestion within the Trance State, which is constantly alluding to Death.
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Welcome to the Resistance Joseph
wholeness brother