Since I was a child of about 6, heck I remember the very first time, I would have these terrifying nightmares. I don't even know if you could call them "nightmares" because I was awake for them...I…Continue
Tags: dreaming, sleep, nightmares
Started this discussion. Last reply by jana May 21, 2014.
Hey all, I had a question about something I continue to experience randomly as I am attempting to fall asleep sometimes. Some nights while I lay in bed, going to sleep, eyes closed, I get these…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ahein May 8, 2014.
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Uh. Be shy no longer. Very nice. Seems you are ready to fly with or without wires :)
How long? Some things never go away. The world is so full of opportunity to get one off track that one has to know oneself and then be true to oneself. I just wished I could have known myself better at a younger age. That is why it is so important to be ready to be a good parent because parents are guides for their children...or their suppose to be but like most, that did not happen for me so much and I learned through the school of hard knocks. Thanks to the influx of information and availability to a vast array of information, we now have information what is available through this web educate us and help us move toward the direction of that that feels better. Stay true to yourself, Andrea!
Well let's see some of your writings :) You are well come here, Andrew.
So glad you are are with our Resistance family Andrea. Know you are not alone as we have all come here in this space & time to live our lessons and receive tools along the way to assist in our journey. This particular group has helped me in my addiction journey as I continue to "clean-up". I am taking Etherium Black & Etherium Gold and this has helped with pressure in my inner mind. Sometimes white noise (for lack of better terminology) gets so loud I have to turn on music.Meditation has been the biggest help as the noise has not gone away but it use to be helicopters in my head for months on end. Rather then go mad, I have decided to learn how to journey with it. I am very particular what goes inside me....I stopped watching TV, reading newspapers and I am careful of the vibrations I am around ie. peoples energy, loud places, loud people because it increases the pulses inside my head. In all it has increased my own responsibility to my life and the quality of my life as regardless of what one's situation may be, ultimately we each must decide and determine our own destiny and the quality of life we want to have.
Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and wish you well on your spiritual journey")
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Welcome to the Resistance astral quest family, andrea-ryan profaci
thank you for joining and sharing and becoming.....
All is self
Wholeness balances vibrations, WBV