Wholeness to everyone as promised you will find here the Ancient Mudras that are associated with each Ckakra center. Do keep in mind most Adepts work with a 9 Center Chakra System. For those working with a 7 Chakra Center System don't fret, simply adjust as all work done on the Mind, Body, and Soul can never be considered a waste.

Always remember your energy must cycle, do not fall into the temptation of remaining in one Chakra or another and always keep in mind the lower Chakras await the treasures you have discovered in the Higher Chakras, do not forsake them as so many have, they need you.


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Thank You Very much Sevan, I cant wait to try these with the vocal mantras I've been praticing


Thanks Sevan!

My Incan friend immediately sent me this reply to this info:

Sevan's messages are amazing and make me work. The one you just sent about the mudras is great. In Peru, with the shaman was teaching us the one of the crown chakra, and here you are now telling me about it. He asked us to do it above the head, continue with the 3rd eye, keep down to the throat and heart. At the solar plexis to turn it upside down and  continue to the base one. All this in front of the Sun, as a salute.

He also showed us to use the chakana, the hole to put it over the third eye to connect with the Sun and the Sun behind the Sun (central Sun galactic center).

Thank you seven. For a while I've been using kundalini mundras to align my chakra but was never quite sure if I was treating them as individuals because I could Only feel some igniting. Ill give it a try and let you know

very nice thanks for this 

What is the source of this info please? Is there a book or website?

Unfortunately I will not be able to release the title of this book because it was passed to me in consideration that I would not release its entire contents unless I was absolutely sure I was ready to receive the consequences be it positive or negative what I seek is balance. There are such techniques that one can display that accompany the appearance of great power but in actuality it is a great weakness to be persuaded to show such things to others when you fully innerstand the ripple effect it may cause. This is what I feel comfortable with releasing now it is highly possible in 2012 I will change my decision as from here I will only turn up the brightness that reveals all hidden things.

I am so very grateful sevan thank you.. i was wondering if maybe you could attach the two new mudras; chakra tone components if you have them.. Thank you for everything brotha' Wholeness

Thank you.  Here are a couple of links for anyone interested in downloading PDF's on Mudra's:

"This presentation deals with 10 important mudras that can result in amazing health benefits. Your health is quite literally in your hands...  108 mudras are used in regular tantric rituals...


Mudras Yoga in Your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi http://www.scribd.com/doc/11430793/Mudras

Awesome post! I think the energy is flowing towards mudras practice :) here a video I just created a few days ago, enjoy!

Thanks for posting.  I have used some of these before, but was given other explainations for their usage. There are others that I have used also and I have noticed many nerve impluses that vary from my head and extremities especially when using deep rhythmic breathing, usually lasting well after the hand movements have ended. 


Great work as always to spread this to the masses Sevan!
Thank you.


Hello Resistance.

 Sevan was right this 9 Mudras are extremely powerfull, So PLEASE whatever you do not underestimate them,  to begin with.

Here is the book ; http://www.scribd.com/doc/2437652/Ninja-Mind-Control

Be careful. Wbv



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